This applies to the likes of the deluded Amjad Rafiq who initially stated there are no evidence. When the $aafiqah were bombarded with 1000 of pages of irrefutable evidence then he conveniently cried the mistakes do not warrant a warning.
Amjad Rafiq is suffering from 3 issues:
1) lack of knowledge so that he is not able to comprehend the evidence.
2) lack of truthfulness and sincerity which caused him to follow his desires only.
3) hizbiyya towards the criminal Saafiqah network which made him blind and a muqallid.
Amjad prior to the Saafiqah fitnah utilised the refutations of shaykh Muhammad and now the same refutations are emotional babble to him. This is clear evidence we are dealing with a emotional liar who has transgressed the boundaries of hizbiyya , deception and lies.
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